- 非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第二季非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第一季
- 非虛構寫作獎學金
- 第四季
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- 非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第二季非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第一季
- 非虛構寫作獎學金
- 第四季
- 第三季
- 第二季
- 第一季
- 非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第二季非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第一季
- 非虛構寫作獎學金
- 第四季
- 第三季
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- 非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第二季非虛構翻譯獎學金
- 第一季
- 非虛構寫作獎學金
- 第四季
- 第三季
- 第二季
- 第一季
Meet the Inaugural Non-Fiction Translation Fellows
We're excited to unveil our Inaugural Frontline Non-Fiction Translation Fellowship cohort! Our panel of judges has selected four fellows for our first round of a 3-month translation mentorship.
Fellowship Recipients:
(Sorted alphabetically by surname)
Yo-Ling Chen
Diego Ge
Ka Kei Lau
(Translate《在未知中同行:MIRROR 歌迷的連結》)
Hongyan Wei
Demonstrating excellent skills, profound cultural understanding of the articles they have chosen to translate, and a sincere motivation to engage in non-fiction translation, each fellow will receive a US$1,500 grant, and will be matched up with senior translators. Then they will work together to complete the translation of the article.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all the talented applicants who participated. It was an extremely competitive pool with over 85 submissions from all over the world, and the quality of the applications we received was outstanding.
Applicants included students from the undergraduate to the doctoral level, scholars and professionals with various areas of expertise, working translators, recent immigrants, and bilingual travelers - almost all of whom were devoted readers of Frontline and who had an emotional and intellectual connection with the original texts.
We are grateful for all your applications - and please stay tuned for the next season of the Non-Fiction Translation Fellowship! We want to seek out, accompany, and support a new generation of translators of non-fiction, who will convey and transform these words, stories, and worlds to a more global audience!
在場 · 非虛構翻譯獎學金評選結果公佈
歷時 1 個月的報名,我們收到了來自世界各地的 80 多份申請,經過評委團隊的書面遴選,首季在場•非虛構翻譯獎學金的評選結果揭曉。以下是得獎名單(按姓氏英文拼音排序)。
【首季在場 · 非虛構翻譯獎學金 得獎名單】
Yo-Ling Chen(翻譯《她們的AI戀人——真實或虛妄的愛》)
Diego Ge(翻譯 《國境之間:「春天革命」與泰緬邊界上的緬甸流亡》)
Ka Kei Lau(翻譯 《在未知中同行:MIRROR 歌迷的連結》)
Hongyan Wei(翻譯《夜班老師:在現代中國的社會夾縫中做巫師》)
四位譯者對所選擇翻譯的文章有各自的情感連結,也具有相關的知識儲備,非常期待他們用自己出色的技能完成翻譯。每位得獎者將獲得 1,500 美元的資助以及資深譯者的指導和編輯。

© 2025FrontlineFellowship